A forum to discuss how we spread the significance of the water cycle to the general public
I love this, Alpha. Don't know if I'll be able to make the live Zoom, but my five key water tales are:
A. Evapotranspiration cools earth
E. Cities can recycle stormwater
G. Slowing water keeps continents hydrated
J. Wetlands replenish groundwater
N. Forests attract rain
cool thanks for your 5
Hi, I'm curious if you are having more meetings and also who and where are you? :) I'd like to connect.
I love this, Alpha. Don't know if I'll be able to make the live Zoom, but my five key water tales are:
A. Evapotranspiration cools earth
E. Cities can recycle stormwater
G. Slowing water keeps continents hydrated
J. Wetlands replenish groundwater
N. Forests attract rain
cool thanks for your 5
Hi, I'm curious if you are having more meetings and also who and where are you? :) I'd like to connect.